Monday, April 10, 2006

little julia and the big lizard

That was one big lizard Julia found in the garden, and she fell in love with it, determined to keep it in a little box, until, that is, the horrid thing bit her! Scared the crap out of her and now she hates lizards. She almost sicced Jacq on the poor thing, but I managed to convince her that the lizard was just as scared as she was, and we held Jacq back until the lizzy scampered off to safety.


Anonymous said...

i can't beleve that Julia loved lizard's once opon a time!(>A<)
And now she's scared of them!
I played a trick on her to see how scared is she if I sayed thare's a
lizard behind her!(TvT)hehehe...
She jumped!!!(oДo)And she

Erinn said...

You nasty big sister! Sounds like something your mother might have done!