Monday, April 10, 2006


Events in our live in the past month or so:
Not that much has been going on, Janina graduated from elementary school and is starting Jr. High this month, Jason is now in 5th grade and Julia in 3rd. We had Spring Break, and went to USJ, but the weather was sort of miserable so we didn't really go out.

Oh yes, in March the local elementary school had 3 death threats against the students, someone threatening to follow students home and kill someone. The last one was on the last day of school, and they had actually called the NHK television station and told them to come film our school as they were going to snatch a kid and kill them! Whenever this happens the police show up for a few days, driving around, standing outside the school, and the teachers will only release the kids to a parent, noone else can pick them up. It's sort of scarey, but so far nothing bad has happened.

I thought maybe it was normal for schools to get these sort of threats, but apparently none of the other schools in our city get any sort of threats or calls, it's only ours, weird!

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