Monday, March 10, 2008

Enjoying life

Sometimes we just take pictures for no other reason than to remember the fun or stupid or less than important moments in our lives. Here's some of ours..

Jordan and his friend Yuji, who sometimes spends a few hours with us while his Mommy has a bit of a break.

Jason and Chester playing game and chillin'

My girlfriends and I on our way to Costco..

Too cute to pass up

Sleeping, something he hates to do

Chester in his sweater, which he hates

One of those stupid moments of life
Of course we had to do it to Jordan

And Juli...
What a doll!

She is a wonderful big sister...full of energy and fun to play with

Visiting a local fair of some sort..
Chester with his girlfriend Jacq
Mom and her littlest love

Happy Birthday Daddy!

I guess when you've got as big a family as mine, you can't go a month without some birthday! And by the time I get caught up on blogger, seems i've got 3 birthday posts in a row! So, this is Daddy's birthday, December 2nd, and I made him an angelfood cake--no oil or margarine--I'm thinking I should get a proper angelfood cake pan..

Julia gave him a home-made bedside lamp--it's hanging in our entrance way for now..
Mommy got him a wool scarf and sweater

The kids talked him into playing Donkey Conga

And Chester made sure to let him know how important he is.

Juli's Desert

Julia and I made up these strawberry deserts together, it's wonderful having a daughter who likes to cook! They are strawberries and cream topped with chocolate sauce...we ate them pretty quick!

Christmas 2007

Yes I'm months behind, what's new...seems I can't help it! But, here's some lovely photos from our Christmas celebration with our friends at Renee's house...What's Christmas without friends and family? Just another day in the year! Most of these pictures are stolen from Renee--thanks Renee for being the photographer!! Always!

Renee and the boogah!
I think we were tickling each other
The guys munching down
Juli and I setting up the feast table
Everyone chilling after the great meal
Janina and I doing a duet
Making eggnog in the kitchen
The girls--being--girls!

And a very tired bebe