Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Fun jobs

The kids have gotten a number of fun and interesting jobs over the past couple of years, due to their bilingual and dual nationalities. Both Janina and Jason have done very short parts on a few television dramas, and most recently Jason got a regulary part on a short children's news program for a television station (channel 10 for those who live in kansai). He comes on the show about every 3 weeks. The show length is only 5 minutes total, but for that short amount of time it requires 2 half days of filming, and the pay is really crappy, so we consider it that we're getting paid for experience and learning.
Julia got her first modelling job last month for a popular clothing catalogue (Felissimo for those who know) and just got a second job for another catalogue (I still don't know the name).
Janina has done several voice recordings, including commercials, a book and a CD of children's songs.

So, that's one small fun thing about being a 'half' in Japan and knowing how to speak English.

1 comment:

Erinn said...

They enjoy it, and one good thing is that it develops their self-confidence.