Saturday, December 29, 2007

Very Random

A bunch of ultra-random pictures of our life here!

Jordan and Jo playing trains together..

Mommy reading to bebe..

Chester taking a nap...

Julia trying to put Jordan down for a nap..

Jacq relaxing in the yard..
Dad on his way to work..
Dad after coming home from work..
Juli practicing piano...
Juli saying hello..
Jordan next to our 'Jordan Tree'--we got it right before he was born..
Daddy on his day off--hanging laundry--one of his favorite activities..

Chester taking refuge in the stroller basket..

Jordan, asleep in his high-chair, something that never happens..

Jordan, ready for a walk, giving me some cross-eyes..


Deb said...

The Chester in stroller and sleeping Jordan pictures are adorable!!!

Deb said...

BTW, what does Art do? Are you working also?

Renee said...

I love looking at your photos! Some great shots. They always cheer me up!