Birthdays birthdays--wonderful stress that they are! We have 2 in July, Julia and Papa, a week apart, and at the beginning of summer, perfect time to celebrate! I hosted 2 parties on the same day, the first for Julia and her best buddies, pictured below. We made sundaes, played Bingo and opened lots of fun presents--Julia has enough stationary to last her till she's a grandma!

Present stash!

Later in the afternoon we had a BBQ with our local friends for Papa and Julia, lots of food, lots of deserts, lots of drink! Oh, and presents too!

Renee and Kris' boy Keegan, or is it Kailan...sorry Kris, i keep forgetting!!! Well, there's Kris peeking out the back..

Daddy and Mr. Shibuya, chillin' in their seats..

Jordan entertained himself by climbing up our car.. gave us a few scares, fortunately Papa is tall enough to keep close..

Janina and her best buddy Emma, both 14 now

Kris brought this great apple pie, which I had for breakfast the next day!

I made a Baked Alaska, my first ever, and everyone kindly ate some!

Julia opening her gifts. She wanted an Ipod Nano so we let everyone know, and they all contributed to the cause--THANK YOU EVERYONE!

Papa and Bebe--who now says 3 words--Daddy, Car and Papa--HEY! WHAT HAPPENED TO MAMA???

More presents and cards..

Ken and I, being silly, or normal, probably normal, well, no, silly...ask our friends..

Patti and Emma, Patti brought some lovely pies, which I didn't get a picture of!

Kris's husband, who loved Renee's potatoe salad, everytime I saw him he was getting another scoop!

Of course, the teen girls, again!

Daddy and Mr. Shibuya, taking care of the grilling..or burning..a bit of both..

Ooops, that's the end of my photos! Wow, I should've kept that camera tied to my wrist! We had tweener boys as well, and little boys--Jay, Jo, and Keegan (or Kailan?), whom failed to show up for pictures. Catch you all later!
1 comment:
Where did you find such a pretty beach? And how do your kids manage to stay so consistently cute even as they get older?
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