Sometimes we just take pictures for no other reason than to remember the fun or stupid or less than important moments in our lives. Here's some of ours..
Jordan and his friend Yuji, who sometimes spends a few hours with us while his Mommy has a bit of a break.

Jason and Chester playing game and chillin'

My girlfriends and I on our way to Costco..

Too cute to pass up

Sleeping, something he hates to do

Chester in his sweater, which he hates

One of those stupid moments of life

Of course we had to do it to Jordan

And Juli...

What a doll!

She is a wonderful big sister...full of energy and fun to play with

Visiting a local fair of some sort..

Chester with his girlfriend Jacq

Mom and her littlest love
Wow. Jordan is starting to look like Janina! We miss you guys!
Freaky dog picture man! How could you embarrass Chester like that???!! I'm on HIS's sooo not his colour...!
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