I'd like you to meet my son, Jordan Alex, who is now 28 weeks old. The doctor said he's growing perfectly, just like he should be, and personally, I think he looks a lot like Julia, especially the nose, but if you look closely at the lips, you can see he has the (in)famous LaMattery lips, sort of look like his uncle Tim's. But he definitely has Art's turned up nose.
In case you were wondering, this is a 4D ultra sound that was taken October 17th.
Fantastic, beautiful picture! I love the name!
Wow! That's amazing. Boy does he have some big lips.
Glad to know you're doing well!
What a cool picture! but it looks like he's got body parts everywhere. it's funny when I first saw the (normal) ultrasound of Lachlan, I knew that he had my nose and face shape...and I was right! How wonderful to have such a clear look at your child! And what's going on with the back of his head? You should frame this. I love it.
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