Japan absolutely loves ceremonies, I swear, it seems there's always something going on! In March Janina graduated from 6th grade, and yesterday she had entered into Jr. High. Here's a few pictures of her graduation. Notice the pink jacket she's got on, guess whose that is! Yes, yours truly here--she is almost as tall as I, and her feet, fortunately, will soon be bigger so she won't be borrowing my shoes for long, not like me and my Mom whom are still the same size--lucky me!
awww.jani so cute!!
so this is officially my first time to comment on your website! yay! I would have done this earlier but I never knew I could haha. I thought it was only for people who had an account on here. =b sowwieee..
lotsa luv,
lil sis*
It's so nice to see you here! I need some comments, it makes me feel loved!!
Oops, that was me.
Awww congratulations!!!! So proud of you beautiful girl :)
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