Grandpa brought back a Harry Potter cake mold so we made the cake for Janina's birthday. The only problem is, he and Windy forgot to send food coloring, so poor Harry Potter looks like he spent a day at the beach with no sunscreen. It took me about 2 hours to decorate, I told Janina it was part of her present, it took so damn long!
We forgot?! What are you talking about - that wasn't on the list! I sent colored sugar for Harry Potter though ...
LOL :)
Seriously, I think it turned out great. I'm totally impressed!!
It looks better on camera, haha! It was a fun try, Julia and I did it together. I'm teasing about the food coloring, we used a lot of the sugars for it too. I definitely will need to practice decorating!
And I was just giving you a hard time ;)
SO - do you want me to send you some food coloring? :)
That is very good!
Well, it tasted good!
HAHA. That's great. A good laugh. So long as it tasted good.
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