All I can say about it is it wasn't immaculate conception, or invitro, I think you all can pretty much guess the 'how'. But I wanted to tell the story of 'how I found out I was pregnant'.
I wasn't too worried to have missed my period by at least 3 weeks, perhaps 5, as in the past few months I'd been pretty late on more than one occasion, and had taken the test a few times, but it came out negative. This time I figured it was more of the same. (And before you ask, no, I wasn't on the pill, and yes, we were using birth-control but during those few days before and after the 'time' we weren't using anything and it had worked so far). Besides, I wasn't running to the toilet throwing up every morning, and was having what felt like pre-menstrual cramps, and my nipples were really sore, a sure sign of the period coming on.
My friend Renee invited me to for a pap smear at the local clinic, and since it'd been over a year I figured it was time, and I wanted to know if something was up, like the beginning of menopause or something worse maybe, cancer?
The doctor was in his early 50s I think, not too old, and they had this special chair for checking you out, you sit on it, and it lifts up your pelvis and spreads your legs so he can get a good look. Of course I did as thorough a clean job as I could that morning, but I still tend to be rather shy about these inspections. At least there's a curtain hiding the upper part of your body from the doctor's face so you don't have to look each other in the eye as he's checking you out (I know, they've seen it all, better and worse, what's one more, right? Still, when it's your own, it's just a wee bit embarassing).
I'm sitting there half naked, looking around the room, and the dr. tells me to check out the little screen to my left. I look and recognize it as a womb, my womb, not that I can recognize my own womb at first glance, but you know, if you're the only person with their legs spread open being examined by a dr., whose womb is it going to be? I notice a small black dot sort of in the middle and immediately "Oh my God, I've got cancer, I knew it!!"
The dr. cheerfully informs me "You're at about 6 weeks gestation!" "What the H__!! But I'm not sick, I'm not throwing up, it can't be! Are you joking!?" All this in English, cause he can understand it, and he starts chuckling away, as if it's the joke of the day. Forget about being embarassed, forget about my legs wide open for the nurse to see as well, nothing else could enter my mind except--"I GOTTA FIND A NEW BABY POTTY??--Damn!"
So, that's how I found out, and shortly afterwards I started the whole morning sickness thing, and sleeping as much as I could, I was SO tired. I'm over that part now, but throwing up is a normal part of the course.
Monday, August 28, 2006
Another Suzuki-LaMattery

Although I've known it for 4 months now, and almost all of you reading this blog, nevertheless, it deserves special mention as one of the biggest events of 2006 for me. I am expecting baby #4, not a planned event, nevertheless a happy one. The baby has become not 'mine' but 'ours' in that Jay, Janni and Juli all consider it theirs and are looking forward to having a baby (?). The expected due date is January 15, 2007, and if we're lucky, sis-Aimi will be around to celebrate the event as well.
The pregnancy has progressed normally, I have the customary morning-sickness every morning, even though I'm past 3 months, but at least it's usually only in the morning, and fortunately I'm not too limited in what I can or cannot eat. I've had no unusual cravings, and what cravings I've had pass too quickly to be noted. The only thing regular in my diet is a morning cup of tea, and usually a piece of toast with it. So far I haven't experienced bad heartburn, which I remember with each of the other kids.
This baby is an active one, and recently it's kicks have been stronger, enough to give me a jolt, fun-oh-fun--NOT! In a couple months it will be a real pain, in every meaning of the word. But I'm glad to know it's in there and healthy, active, and alive.
So here's to a new baby and the extension of my motherhood, hehe!
Goodbye Aunt

In rememberance of my Aunt Jane, who passed away this week, I want to make mention of her here.
Aunt Jane was the oldest of 5 children on my father's side of the family. She was always kind to me and I enjoyed several summer visits to their home in San Diego when I was a child. It's been more than 20 years since I stayed with her and I sometimes wish those days were back again, but I'm glad for the memories.
I last saw Aunt Jane at my baby shower in July, she didn't know if she could make it because she wasn't feeling too well, but I was happy she came and joined in my small celebration.
Aunt Jane's passing has brought a family gathering of old proportions, something our large family hasn't done for 2 decades, grandma's house is full of aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, great-grandchildren, extended family, and I know that it warms grandma's heart to see her house full to the brim with her family, many of us who have drifted apart over the past 20 years, not even writing or staying in touch, but we have common childhood memories and shared secrets and adventures that bring us back together in a way not possible with a room of strangers.
Aunt Jane will be missed dearly by her own 4 children and granddaughter, as well as by all of us who knew her and were part of her life. Godspeed.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
I can't believe I haven't updated for SO long!!
How could I ignore this blog for 2 months! When so much has been happening!!
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