Thanks to my wonderful family and friends, Christmas was a really good one this year, both in terms of presents for the kids, and time together!
Jordan loves his super duper train set...

Christmas morning with all the kids

Jordan's Bob the Builder book set from Yuji

Jason and his Yoshi doll. The story is, I got it for him 2 years ago for his birthday, and hid it away in the closet, and lost it! Then I found it last year and was going to give it to him, but lost it again. I found it this year and put it somewhere I wouldn't lose, and he finally got it!

Jason's loot from Renee...

After Jordan colored the turtle from Renee, he went on to color his cheeks and hands

Eating candy, yum!!

My new sunglasses...

Two teens waiting for another present!

Janina got a soft pillow from Mom

Jordan and his train set again!

Juli's lip gloss from Auty, Trinity and James

Jason in Mom's glasses!

Juli decked out in her Christmas clothing, hat from Nikki, boots from Mom and dad

Jason got a tennis racket grip from his sisters, and a red ADIDAS sweatshirt from Mom and Dad

A few gifts from each other to each other

Chester wanted in on the action too!

Juli's game from her family

Christmas Eve, on my way to bed

Janina got an ipod from her family

The Christmas spread

Jerry is visiting from Hawaii, he's almost as tall as Dad now

Ken and Jo having a (small!!!) bite of dinner...

Ooops, Juli's going to hate this one!

Dad and Shuko had dinner with us too

I tried for a group self-portrait, but we missed a few people